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Bridging Loan

Bridging Loan

When you find yourself needing finance whilst waiting for a property to sell, it is likely you need a Bridging loan.

This style of finance, “Bridges” the gap in the short term by providing you with a loan and allows you to get on with what your doing while your property is on the market.

JeffLee Credit Pte Ltd has a great track record in the bridging loan and has assisted many satisfied customers.

Call Us Today!  6515 5611


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We Just Make IT Simple For You!

We Offer The Best Services

When you need bridging loan and you don’t have the time to wait.
This is where JeffLee Credit can assist you in this bridging market.
We can provide same day decisions and get the money to your account within days.

30 mintues Express Approval
Providing Loans Since 2010
3 Simple Steps To Apply

How it Works

We provides the ability for customers to move on a property when they want to, without them having to wait to sell their existing home that’s why we offer some of the best options for those seeking bridging loan for their real estate transaction.

At JeffLee Credit, we provide fast, bridging loans in Singapore. We understand that every customers and investors is unique and we tailor different loans to suit different budgets, lifestyles and financial circumstances.


Simple Online Loan Application Form


We strive to respond to online applications quickly.


We pride ourselves on our friendly and professional service

Speak To Us

Contact one of our friendly personal consultants at 6515 5969

We can help you in any project